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Erin Hayford, ND

Hi, I'm Dr. Erin (she/ her/ hers)! I am a Naturopathic Doctor and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner® with a passion for helping people understand the deeper "why" of their illness. My particular specialty is helping people explore the intersection between chronic symptoms and trauma—how "the body keeps the score" and what we need to do to help your nervous system shift into a place of safety in order for health and healing to occur.

In my early twenties, I found myself stuck in a relentless cycle of physical pain, mental exhaustion, and emotional turmoil. My life took an unexpected turn when I received a diagnosis of an incurable autoimmune condition with a bleak prognosis. However, I had a deep sense that there had to be a better way to work with my body and symptoms. Through years of trial and error, my symptoms gradually faded, and today, it is in remission. This journey forged my life's purpose: helping others to uncover the extraordinary healing potential innate within your own body.

1:1 sessions include a combination of Somatic Experiencing® and bodywork, which entails a blend of somatic bodywork modalities and Craniosacral therapy. I strive to create a safe, healing container in which you can explore some of the darkest parts of your shadow in order to bring all of yourself into the light. I look forward to meeting you!


For more info or to book with Erin directly click here

Experience + Training

Naturopathic Doctor Experience

  • Sierra Tucson - Tucson, AZ: 2-year medical residency serving patients with addiction, disordered eating, chronic pain, PTSD, depression and anxiety

  • Blue Oak Clinic - Tucson, AZ

  • New England Naturopathic Health - Waterville, ME

  • Aurora Somatic Medicine - Serving in-person clients in Missoula, MT, and virtually across the US


  • Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine - Bastyr University

  • Bachelor of Science in Herbal Science - Bastyr University

  • Associate of Science in Nutrition - Southern Maine Community College



Additional Training

  • Certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner®

  • Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

  • Biofeedback

  • Craniosacral Therapy

  • SomatoEmotional Release

  • Crisis Management and DBT Skills


Aralia Health, LLC

206 S 3rd St. W, Missoula, MT  59801


Hours: Open Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-12:00 pm & 1:00 pm-5:00 pm. Closed Friday, Saturday, Sunday.


©2022 Aralia Health. All rights reserved.       


Disclaimer: The information on this website is NOT intended as medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. This information should not be used as a substitute for seeking medical advice from your healthcare provider. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 on the nearest telephone immediately.                                                                                                                                          

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